Video Script
On your live chat page, you’ll be able to manage all of your communication with shoppers on Rivly. Sellers have asked for more access to their shoppers, so we’ve built a chat messaging experience so that sellers who choose to can respond immediately to customer questions in real time and capitalize on their momentary intent to purchase. When a shopper is browsing Rivly and is on the product detail page of your item, or on your dedicated seller page, any questions they have will be routed to you for assistance. In turn, you’ll receive that message here in your inbox, but you’ll also be notified about the new message by email and/or text message depending on your notification settings. To reply to these messages, you’ll need to either do so right here in your live chat page, or even better would be to download our seller mobile app to have a text-message-like conversation with the customer. However, we also realize there are times when sellers are not as readily available to answer questions so that is why we encourage you to set store hours. You can set those store hours in your live chat settings here. Keep in mind, we track the number of hours per week you offer store hours and all response times to help determine your customer service score and to provide shoppers with appropriate expectations.
During our pre-set store hours like we are currently, this toggle will automatically be set to online showing customers my average store hours response time. I can turn this toggle off which will tell customers trying to chat with me that I am currently away, and this will stay offline until the next period of store hours starts unless I manually turn it back on.
If you need to close the computer and take that overdue trip to the beach for a few days, you can turn on vacation mode which will take down all of your listings so they cannot be purchased by shoppers. When you get back, flip the switch and you’re back open and ready for business. However, please note you are still responsible for customer service on all pre-existing orders during this time