- How do I get credit for referring other sellers to sign up on Rivly?
- I have my products on Rivly. How soon can I expect sales and when is your public launch?
- I love this marketplace and what it stands for. Can I invest in your company?
- Brand registry for private labels with trademark registration
- Can I use the same email address for a seller account and a shopper account?
- Changing between multiple seller accounts while logged into your 1 user account
- Do I need to create a shopper account if I already have a seller account?
- Do you have any advertising on your marketplace?
- How is selling on Rivly different from Amazon or Walmart?
- How much do Rivly seller affiliates make?
- I can’t deal with the fake reviews plaguing top ecommerce sites. What will Rivly do to prevent this growing issue?
- I sell wholesale in large quantities to my merchant partners. Is this possible on Rivly as well?
- Product roadmap
- Providing feedback
- What happens when I sell my business?
- What is the benefit of adding another marketplace like Rivly to my sales channels?
- What mechanisms are in place to prevent fake reviews?
- When will Rivly start to take up a meaningful portion of my sales across all channels?
- When will you develop the feature that I requested?
- Why should I invest my time now to set up my seller account instead of just waiting until later when you are a larger marketplace?
- Will adding another sales channel like Rivly just make my accounting more complicated?